Workshops and short courses

Workshops and short courses

30 Aug 2023 An introduction to R/RStudio and Version Control for Data Science at The SFI Centre for Research Training in Foundations of Data Science 1st year PhD lectures, Maynooth University, Ireland
15 June 2021 Introduction to R at d-real summer school, Ireland [Learning Material ]
5 Sept 2019 Hands on R at The SFI Centre for Research Training in Foundations of Data Science 1st year PhD lectures, University of Limerick, Ireland
18 June 2019 Workshop on Exploring Networks using Latent Variable Models in R with lvm4net, XXXIX Sunbelt Conference, in Montréal, Québec, Canada [Workshop Material ]
29-31 May 2019 Short Course on Statistical Social Network Analysis, University of Bologna, Italy
6 April 2019 Workshop on Developing Packages in R, University College Dublin, Ireland [Workshop Material ]
8 Nov 2018 R Package Development workshop at DataFest Tbilisi, Georgia [Workshop Material ]
22 Sep 2018 Beginner R workshop at Diversity in Data Workshop, Talent Garden, Dublin City University, Ireland [Workshop Material ]
14 May 2018 Forwards Package Development Workshop for Women at eRum 2018, Budapest, Hungary [Slides ]
28-29 Jun 2017 Short Course on Statistical Social Network Analysis with R, University of Padua, Italy
21-23 Jun 2017 Workshop on Statistical Social Network Analysis with R (SSNAR17), Birkbeck, University of London, UK
10-12 Apr 2017 Short Course on Statistical Social Network Analysis, University of Bologna, Italy